Little known fact: Recruiters spend six seconds before making an initial “fit/no fit” decision...
The 6-second-rule is a discovery which came from an eye-tracking study that observed 30 professional recruiters during a 10-week period. The study found recruiters had an erratic “gaze-path” when reviewing an average resume.
To add to the erratic “gaze-path,” the study found that recruiters had high levels of cognitive-load (mental activity), which means it was harder for a recruiter to make a decision based on the average self-generated resume.
Interrupt the 6 second thought sequence...
Your recruiters mind is focused on finding the right resume as quickly as possible. Your recruiter uses a systematic approach while looking over hundreds of resumes to make the task manageable and fast.
Get into the ‘maybe’ pile (Get More Callbacks & Interviews)
Good design will interrupt your recruiter’s systematic mental pattern when evaluating your resume. Good design will force your recruiter to stop in their tracks, admire what’s in front of them, and carefully consider the words on the page.
Your chances of getting into the ‘maybe’ pile improve – along with your chances of getting a callback, an interview, & hopefully a job.